Monday, June 25, 2012

Film, Digital And Camera Types In Street Photography

Film vs Digital. Who cares really? I like both and I shoot with both. Having said that, all of my street photos are shot on film. And there's a couple of reasons for this. I like the look of film, and, the type of camera that, (I feel) works well for street shooting. Personally I prefer a "Rangefinder" or a small discreet, point and shoot type of camera. But that's me and I don't know shit. But I find these cameras are almost invisible, and don't spook potential subjects. In fact, most times aren't even noticed till your walking away, shot taken. But film cost's coupled with low success rates can be quite disheartening, all though winning shots more than make up for it.
However DSLR's and SLR's too a degree, are large and very noticeable and can render a situation unnatural, possibly scaring a prospective subject. Thus ruining a shot. But with DSLR's, digital happy snaps and even Iphones, you get consistantly good shots (and no hair see the second shot above) that you can preview and delete at your fancy. Here in lies the problem. Often, you spend more time looking at an LCD screen, editing, than you do taking photos. so a lot of the time you miss what's going on around you. Hint, edit when you get home.
Either way, just get out there and shoot. Here's a couple of tips I use when street shooting.
1. Get close.
2. Get closer.
3. Don't be shy, but don't be rude, a fine line sometimes.
4. Thank your subject, and if they get shitty say something like, your face looks great in this light. Or, your munted head will make my friends laugh when I show them... Don't say that.
5. Don't get too caught up with perfect exposure/focus. Just get a good photo, that will take care of the technicality's. But be aware of them, they are your friends.
6. Have fun! and send me your photos, I'll post my favourite ones here, that is if anyone reads this blog.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Monday, June 4, 2012